Saturday, April 26, 2008

In an effort to delay the inevitable...

... I decided to post on here. Mainly because I don't want to do anything today other than lay around in my PJs and read and maybe watch all 6 hours hours of Pride and Prejudice or something like that. I'm not at all impressed with the pace of life lately and that's what seems like the most pleasant right now. But I'm sure it's not to be. Actually, the last few weekends I've had a never ending list and today the list doesn't seem quite as long. And I did accomplish something already today. What to know what? I'll tell you. My roommate and I went though the kitchen sorting out what stuff is whose and whose stuff is what and ... well, you get the idea. I've been dreading this for quite some time now. We have been roommates at this point for 4.5 years and haven't marked anything. So all of our stuff has been all mixed up and after awhile, it's not always clear what belongs to who. And then there might be a smidgen of tension when opinions on such things differ. So this has seemed like this HUGE job that I've been dreading. This morning we were talking about it and just decided to start. Well, we got through nearly the whole kitchen. And all in a very amicable manner I might add. It honestly is SO nice to have that done. I've started boxing a lot of my stuff up since we have plenty of stuff. So that way when it's a month before the wedding, that's one less thing I have to stress about. If only I could always be so organized and on top of things.

Okay, for my job, I think most of you know... I travel about from home to home, spreading sunshine and cheer and helping parents with child development information. The other day I found this child development quiz online so I took it. ugh. I got 12 out of 20 correct, and at the bottom of the quiz where words something like "You did NOT do a good job! You need to learn MORE about your child's development!" Yeah, that was just the pick-me-up I was after that day.

And one more random thing - I mentioned in passing on a post awhile back that I find it odd that birdcage is one word, and like Vicky pointed out, cannot is also one word. I just want to know who decides these things. Birdcage for instance - it's an adjective and a noun, both words stand completely alone in a sentence. A blue dress does not become a bluedress, but for some reason, a cage used for birds becomes a birdcage. Can and not are used all the time, but put them together and they come cannot? Why? And THEN I was typing "babysitter" the other day and found to my shock and dismay that "baby sitter" is actually correct. WHAT?? Okay, it's perfectly fine to say the lions were not in a cage, how can this not be, they might eat the birds, but how often do you say... well, the other day when I was sitting on my sitter.... Okay, so I guess sitter could stand alone in a sentence, but you just don't hear it that often. When it comes to the English language, I just need to give up that fantasy I have about things being consistent and MAKING SENSE. Okay, I've rambled about this for far too long.

I have all this stuff to box up now and I just don't feel like it. But I guess I'll stop boring all of you because it's not your fault that I'm feeling unmotivated. Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend!


Rhonda said...

here's an idea - learn a second language. then you can't remember which rules apply to which language. my english grammar hasn't never been this bad.

Jenni said...

hahahahahaha. you both crack me up!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally, we know your still alive! thats great! Hope you find a picture taker soon and for not too much of that green stuff! We saw Jenni and family a week ago and that was great! You all sure have a cute niece! Thanks for the update

LaRonda said...

It was so great to see you again and catch up a bit.

Anonymous said...

cwajdqOh Yes! I do know what you mean. Try explaining all that to a young student. I tell you...I believe there are more exceptions to the rules then there are ones that actually follow the rules! In spelling, phonics and other types of language sorts of things.

Just a side note here...does anyone else hate the new way they do the word verification words!? I can hardly read half of them!!