Thursday, October 04, 2007

There's a bug on the windowsill (somewhere I'm sure)

* Yesterday I very heartily stubbed the bottom of my toe and got a blood blister. I thought about posting a picture of it to see if it would draw as many comments as Robyn's baby. But I don't like disappointment.

* Tonight some friends went out for supper. We laughed till tears were streaming down my face. And we couldn't stop. And more and more things were funny. But to try to explain them here would not be funny at all, so it's not a very interesting story.

* I got some insurance papers that indicated what my medical bills might be regarding my ER trip. And I'm very bitter and disillusioned with the American health care system. Basically, you pay money 2ce a month for insurance so that when you actually need them, they can do their very best to not have to give you anything. I saw a bumper sticker recently that said "Our national health care plan: Don't get sick!" And it made my little Canadian head smile. But I'll stop before I start making people mad.

* I really like my co-workers a lot. We have some of the best times at work. Today we laughed and talked a lot. Oh yeah, and did some work. It's great to work with friends.

* I'm very very tired and slightly cranky, so I'm going to go to bed now. Hope everyone is having a great week!


Jenni said...

words fail me. thanks for the news. glad you could laugh. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

Rhonda said...

is your toe as cute as robyn's baby?

rachelslab said...

Not even close. And I worked almost 12 hours today and it was dark when I left work and now I'm even more cranky. boo hoo.

lisa said...

I know...I hate the dark also. Can you imagine living in Alaska where it's dark like almost all the time during parts of the year. How terribly depressing. dark and those are two things I could live without!!! (now watch...God will be calling me to Alaska to be a missionary!!!)....he doesn't read your blogs does he? cheer's light inside as long as you pay your electric bill!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better by now. Tomorrow is Saturday ya know. Just make sure you get some sleep and don't be on the phone all night! ;)

Anonymous said...

We love you Rachel---
Will we see you at Thanksgiving in Northern Michigan?? We'd love to spend some time with you again.
Aunt Ruthie

Anonymous said...

hi!! how are you?? me, i am fine.
i just wanted to say hi.. hi!!
take care!!

Anonymous said...


Jenni said...

yeah! it's definitely time for a new post and some pictures!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel,
I make my "rounds" very seldom, but today was the day to "visit" everyone. Hey - on the American health care issue - just wondering how passionate you are - would Hillary get your vote?! Or not? :)
Would be good to see you again.

rachelslab said...

Hi Les - thanks for you comment. = ) Funny stuff, eh?