Sunday, September 16, 2007

Help! I'm a living brain donor!

Posing on my blog is actually on my to do list right now so that's what I'm doing. Let's see - I have some things rolling around in my head. First, as for my title, it is a miracle that I am even driving my car right now. How many chances does one person get to perfect DUMB!!!!???? Okay, so I think I've mentioned a couple times on here how my car has been making this clicking noise. Well, I believe it was Thursday morning on the way to work, it was clicking away loudly, after probably 3 weeks or so of clicking. I'd been meaning to take it in to get the oil changed and all that, but needed to clean it out first (only avoid embarrassment, not like they have a low against changing oil in gross cars). So on the way to work, the car was driving really bad and the oil light was coming on and suddenly I had this sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. A little over a year ago my car was making a similar noise. Keith and Jenni were here then for my grad and Keith looked at it and figured out that I was running on practically no oil. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why didn't I remember that ages ago? I met with my supervisor as scheduled and then made great haste to the pit stop and had it serviced. My little pep talk after that experience included the car oil changer person (he said he wasn't a mechanic) telling me that um, lady, you cannot drive your car with less then a quart of oil! The engine will explode! And somehow in the last approximately 4 months my car burned about 4 quarts of oil. Either that or leaked, but he's pretty sure it's burning oil which is more expensive to fix. whoo hoo. But he begged, even unto pleaded with me to come see him often and he will for free check my oil (I do know how to check my oil, I just forget all the time) and told me to bring in a sample of anything that's leaking from the car and he will check it and all this for free. Such a friendly guy. Okay, so if anyone ever wants to randomly comment "HEY! time to check your oil!" well, feel free.

Thursday night I also went with some friends to a parade of homes to see how the rich and famous live in this area. There were 8 recently built homes on display. It was very impressive. A couple of them had theaters in the basement. And theaters that would make you forever dissatisfied with a real theater. Big plush seats. amazing. One of the them was my doctor's house. That was weird. Oh, that's where my doctor takes a bath. odd. But seriously, I was having some remotely serious thoughts during the process. One of the was, it's neat to see, but I have no desire to live that type of life. It seems like there would just be a lot of stress involved in having the pressure of keeping up with that much stuff. I guess if you are that rich you can probably afford a lot of hired help to do a lot for you. But it still seems like a lot of hassle. All for stuff that you can't take with you when you go anyway. Another thought I had was - I've been a few places in my short (trying to convince myself) life and have seen some real poverty. I am trying to imagine if some of these people saw how some people in North America live and what their reaction might be. Utter flabergastion !?! (hey, I kinda like that word) Okay, so I'm not really ending on a profound note, it's just some thoughts I had.

There's this town I drive to on a very regular basis. There's a little farm on the way there (well, may actually, but one in particular that I am going to mention) - the other day I drove by and noticed this brown and white horse whose skin was twitching all over the place! It was so odd. My first thought was, that poor boy (or girl) is on too much epinephrine or prednisone. Well, then a few days later I drove by again and the same horse was wearing clothes (to keep his skin in place?) and he was doing this funky little dance with a white horse friend. They would jump up on their hind hooves touch noses in the air, come back down, and then repeat the process. Maybe I missed something in biology and this is totally normal, but it looked really really funny. I watched in my mirror as long as I could without hitting something/one.

It's that odd time of year right now when some feel that it's too early to turn the heat on. And it is a pain because you need the heat in the morning, but not in the afternoon (with the exception of this afternoon). But the point of my story is that our house is completely freezing right now. Yesterday morning I got up and sat at the computer absolutely freezing to death. Eventually the roommate got up and she's walking around talking about how she's sweating hot. Okay, now I admit that I tend towards coldbloodedness and I think she would admit that she tends towards hotbloodedness. Often when I'm cold she tells me to check the thermostat in an effort to prove that I and not the house am the one with the problem. And she may have a small fraction of a point at times. (reminds me of SO many conversations I heard growing up in my freezing house in Red Lake. = ) Anyway, yesterday I took her up on it and went and checked the temp in the house - SIXTY FOUR!!!!!! Who in their right mind sweats in 64 degree indoor temperature??? And this morning it was about 61 in here and is currently about 63. And I'm very very cold. I was going to post a picture of me trying to stay warm in the house, but that would take too long so if you want to, just picture a hat, scarf, mittens, and a blanket. I mean, that's not really what I look like right now, but I would be comfortable if I did. Okay, I think I'm going to stop boring you now with the temperature of my house and get ready to go to Indy. I have work training there until Tues. which I'm trilled to pieces about. I guess some aspects of it will be fun, but other's not so much. Sheldon is going to be in cincy picking up a vehicle so I'm coming back with him and we get to hang out for a short while and that will be nice. Okay, that's it for now.


Anonymous said...

All I need is a dose of Rachel to make me happy. Thanks-you're wonderful! And I'm glad your car didn't blow up. Speaking of your car, has it "dried up" recently? Watch out for those hills!!! Love,

Jenni said...

hoo, boy, am i ever glad you didn't wreck your engine!!! thank the Lord you got it checked when you did!

sorry you're freezing. being pregnant has advantages. i'm not cold nearly as often! we were just reminscing today about when you were here for christmas and i was pregnant with josiah and you were always cold. then i had the baby and came home - and turned up the thermostat. and you were finally warm. :-)

Matthew and Rhonda said...

i too am sorry to hear about your freezingness. all i can say is that living with a roommate of such different body temperature must be good preparation for marriage. that is a chronic "problem" in our marriage, let me tell you. :D also, glad to hear that the car is not exploded!

shaunjoy said...

Glad to hear your car didn't die. And it reminds me that I should probably check our oil too...

I've been mad at the temperature lately too -- heater in the morning, a/c in the afternoon -- can't be good for our electric bill... :(

lisa said...

i'm just wondering when you're going to be "posing on your blog"? since that is on your to do list? but I don't really see any pictures of you?

ok...I just couldn't help but ask that? and I can't believe none of your other blog readers didn't ask it first? I'm actually freezing all the time here also!! I dread winter coming with the cold temps when I'm already cold!! ugh! I would like to have an "electric coat" know like they have "electric blankets" that keep us warm...and "seat warmers" in our vehicles. will you patent one for us?

I did get your email....thanks! but at the moment, my computer is having "techinical difficulties"...ugh! and I can't SEND emails. but I did update my blog this a.m.

Anonymous said...

Not all married couples argue about the temp in the house - Darla and I like just about the same temp (most of the time). We do argue about other things, but I won't tell you what they are!!

rachelslab said...

Sheldon, Sheldon... you know Darla's never gonna agree to that pack of pet rats you keep whining about. Give it up!

Heather said...

I'm sorry, did you say the horse was wearing clothes?! As in, jeans and a tshirt? perhaps a suit? monkey outfit? my brain is feverishly running through various options of why a horse would be wearing clothes - he's running away to join the circus? escaped prisoner? camouflage? he got a haircut and was chilly?


Sabrina said...

You MUST write a book!! Pull out your calender or day planner and write "check the oil" on the last day of every month. That way you'll look at it all month and hopefully remember. I can't laugh too hard because I've done some pretty dumb stuff when it comes to cars too. :( They don't talk -how are women supposed to understand them?

Robyn said...

Hope this week goes better for you. Maybe you should come here and warm up :-)