Friday, July 06, 2007

say what?

Well, Jenni wants me to say something but I feel like I have nothing to say. I was going to post before I left on my trip but ran out of time and now all of that news seems old and stale. Oh, there is one thing I could share from back then. One day I parked my car on a slight hill and (once again) sat in it a little bit to do something. Then I got out to go do a visit. I of course locked the thing, got out, and realized (once again) that my car was rolling away. great. It's hard enough to unlock the thing when it's sitting still. But when it's rolling away, it proves even trickier. I trotted along beside it, did get it unlocked and got inside it where I was able to restore order. Okay, that's that. The trip home was wonderful, but too short. It was great to see extended family that hasn't been together in years. Camping with family was also a lot of fun but the bugs were nasty. Did you know that the US is copying Canada and just came out with an American loonie? It's true - same dimensions and everything. I was going to post a picture, but I spent them. This year I think I did something I've never done before - I was in Canada on July 1at and in the States on the 4th. I feel so duel. Let's see - Canada day was celebrated by listening to a few firecrackers go off and singing a most reverent round of O Canada around the camp fire. America Day was celebrated by - well, it was actually quite nice. Normally I would feel this compulsion that I have to be outside going to cookouts and watching fireworks and all that. But after camping all weekend and traveling all Monday night, I was pretty tired and didn't care about being outside. I went with a couple friends over to one of the friend's parent's place. It was a really nice day - we sat around and slept and watched movies and did old lady crafts. I dusted off my crocheting... different than your average 4th of July, but it hit the spot. Then we saw some fireworks going off so we drove out to them and they weren't too shabby. But here's to watching fireworks with guys. Otherwise you might have to endure PMS fireworks which sounds something like, "I HATE those dumb circle ones!! They look SO stupid!!! Why do they keep setting THOSE off??!!" (it was a lot of fun and we laughed a lot, but it's true, that's what she said) Well, that ended all the festivities, then it was back to a long, agonizing 2 more days of work. I've really been struggling to get back into the swing of things and have been stumbling around in a fog - lack of sleep might be a factor. Okay, well, I'm going to leave you now. Be safe; it's hot out there.


Jenni said...

hey, thanks for the update!! america day?? that's really funny! love ya...

Matthew and Rhonda said...

great to hear from you...maybe i'll get around to blogging one of these days. don't hold your breath. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel. I'm so glad we got to visit this time around. It was good to catch up after so long! Hope work goes well and you can keep your focus where it should be....up!

Anonymous said...

Hee-hee...PMS fireworks! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating! Was wondering if you were home yet!!!

Sabrina said...

thanks for the update. I was starting to worry about you. Love the PMS fireworks. :)

elise said...

Glad you made it home safely.

These are my two Rachel memories over the camping weekend that are worth writing down:

- Rachel thinking about how many flat tires she's had in her life time (the luck you have amazes me!);

- We saw four wild turkies in Vermilion Bay (I got the giggles over that because I've never heard of wild turkies in northern Ontario) What a site!

Glad you were able to camp with us!