Sunday, June 17, 2007

And now for a play by play

A couple before pictures - the flower bed and bushes all had to be dug up. = (

Tree branches in the front yard. They had to cut down a bunch of the branches to get the backhoe in there.

WOW! Look what we did.

I got a little carried away taking pictures of the dirt pile (you haven't seen the half). It just seemed rather amazing. All for a little plumbing problem.

The hole was also pretty amazing...

Now I really need an after picture but I didn't take one yet and it's quite dark outside at the moment. Basically, the front yard looks like a big sandbox with no sides (or cat poo, which was ever present in my childhood sandbox).


Anonymous said...

Wow, that really is quite impressive. My imagination definitely did not do it justice.

Anonymous said...

impressive, indeed. i did not know that the average yard contained that much dirt!!

Anonymous said...

That's quite the little plumbing problem you had going there !

The hole is particularly impressive!

Jenni said...

wow, cool! pretty amazing!

Sabrina said...

crazy! you should have sold hamburgers and lemonade and made a party out of it.

Anonymous said...

And charged people to come take a look at the hole (or even drive by!)...just think of the dough you could've made!

Anonymous said...

I think your house looks cute and cozy. I'm not sure why but I was picturing you in an apartment with not much yard, etc. =)

Jenni said...

yeah, it's just one of the leeches asking for an update... :-)