Thursday, April 12, 2007

One more thing

I don't know if this will be helpful for anyone, but I know a lot of you have preschoolers and either homeschool or don't send them to school yet. The other day I was looking for stuff at work and came accross this website and thought of some of you, especially some of you living in remote areas. = ) You can print all kinds of stuff for free right off the internet. Don't know if you're interested, but just incase, here you go.


Robyn said...

Thanks - I'll check it out. Fun to read your crazy stories.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rachel! I'll check it out just as soon as I can get a few free minutes. =) I usually spend my "free time" checking the blogs of people I know and believe doesn't take long to run out of those free minutes!

I, too, love to hear your stories. They often have me laughing aloud! =)