Thursday, April 19, 2007

Can I have a refund on this week?

Oh my - I don't even know where to start. This has been one of those weeks that I just want to erase and start over... the strain of wonderful luck continues. Let's see - I'm going to start with Sunday - I wanted to go and get something from work. I asked a co-worker/friend and she said it was okay to go after hours. So I go to the side door and enter the code like I do every day, open the door, and (**INSERT LOUD ALARM HERE!!**) Yes, I set the alarms off and they were loud, ringing out to the ends of the earth. I freaked out and called my friend/co-worker and apparently one is supposed to have a key and code for the front door for such a time as this - all new information. I found out today that people were asking who set the alarm off and I think the police did come out, but I was already long gone. (a very effective system in the event of a real burglar)

Day 2: The day after this ordeal, after work I went over to the same friend's house to help her with a paper for school. We worked on it for well over 2 hours - editing, rearranging, and correcting. It was all done and she went to save it and somehow, ALL of our work was erased. Ohhhhh my, what a sad night! I couldn't stand the thought of all that wasted effort and her trying redo it all, so I ended up staying for round 2. By then it was very late and I felt very weary and yet needed to go to the store...

Day 3: The day after this ordeal, I came home from work, and sat in my car for a little bit so I could write some things down. Then I came in the house and had been inside for quite some time. The RM and I were both in the living room and head honking outside and she looks out the window and says, "RACHEL, YOUR CAR IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET!!!" We live on a somewhat busy street... So I go barrelling out there outside, have to stand in the middle of the road, UNLOCK my roving, unmanned vehicle which is blocking at least one lane, get in, and fix the problem. Meanwhile onlookers are wondering what for fruitcake is on the loose. Thankfully there weren't many people around at the time...

Day 4: This was my off day, a reprieve if you will. I even killed a spider of unusual size without screaming or passing out. I thought life was looking up.

Day 5: I was wrong. Today, let's see, first of all, this afternoon I was running around like a banchee preparing for a home visit - making copies, gathering information, etc. I was running quite late, ran out the door, and when I was almost at the house, I realized that for some reason, I didn't have her file with all the info in it - I had nothing that I had just prepared and no information to give her (and no reason at all for being so late). I was SO annoyed, but just lived with it, did the visit without it, came back to work, and sat in my car for a little bit writing stuff down... always a bad idea. When I came back to my car a couple hours late for the last visit of the day, a late one, I realized that I had locked my keys in the car. This is not even funny - I don't know how many times I've done that in the last few months. I had an interpreter going along so we were able to use her vehicle and she took me home and then my roommate was going to take me to my car, I had the spare key, thought everything would be fine. So we get to the car, and of course, it's dead as anything. So we think we can boost it, but her battery is completely inaccessible for some very odd reason. So we drive back home and get a booster/charger but it lacks sufficient juice. So then we start calling people. 900 voice mails later, we decide to drive down the street to Dairy Queen and beg the mercies of a benevolent stranger. As we're driving, a friend returns my call, and she is indeed able to come boost me and it goes fairly smoothly after that, but by now it's about 2.5 hours later. Instead of going to the grocery store as originally planned, I went to DQ and had my first cheeseburger since January. It seemed fitting somehow... I'm scared to get up tomorrow.

I have some old, fun pictures that I've been meaning to post, but I've been busy with the above that I haven't gotten around to it. Maybe this weekend. Hope you all had a great week! = )


Jenni said...

All I can say is, this should all make you some big bucks some day when you write that book!!! Oh, and my sincerest sympathies!

Rhonda said...

hang in there, sweetie. i'm glad you have enough of a sense of humour to share it all with us. :) but, really, i hope you have a relaxing weekend!!

Heather said...

I'm scared to read your next post! :) was thinking of calling you this weekend, when are you home?

Anonymous said...

Poor Rachel. :( I have to admit though that I was laughing quite a bit about the description of your roving car. Not that it was funny at all in real life. :) Please have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Ha - how come the interesting stuff in life always happens to you?! : ) I echo the others in wishing you a safe and relaxing weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hi rachel! At least no one smashed into your roving car. That would have really made it a bad day. Today is Friday and Sundays on the way!

Robyn said...

Goodness girl. All I can say is you sure as heck deserved that cheeseburger. In fact, you should have had a couple while you were at it. I hope you had a blizzard for dessert. Hope your weekend ROCKS (in a good way).

Sabrina said...

I was thinking exactly what Robyn wrote! I do hope you have a great weekend.

P.S. Do you have a AAA membership? They are great for things like locking your keys in your car.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear....sleep in, take a long bath, and try to scrub this last week from your brain. Hope your weekend is a good one.

On the bright side (maybe?), at least you've made me feel really great about my past week!

Anonymous said...

yeah, my week wasn't so bad. did you keep your receipt? b/c i'm thinking someone would give you a refund for all that. or at least they should. better luck next time, loretta. (the kids say hi)

lisa said...

wow! you poor girl! I must admit I was laughing at the car on the road also....but the rest I'm feeling sorry for you!! You must
totally wear out your guardian angels! think of all the stuff that God protects you from that you never even find out about!!

Anonymous said...

Why is it always you????
I think you should seriously consider the book idea. I have no doubt it would be a best seller!
You have a way with the written word (is this inherited from someone?). Take care, relax and remember to keep smiling!!!