Thursday, February 22, 2007

She's a bright one!

So, it turns out that one of my tires was very very very low. I had about 10 lbs. of air put in it and viola! - no more shaking steering wheel, nearly being pulled off the road, and when I hit 60 mph, I have also lost my vibrating chair. I sorta miss it.... Today I thought it was a bit unstable, but I think that was mostly due to the wind - I really dislike it when it's really windy and you're trying to pass huge annoying semis. ugh. Speaking of semis, I'm finding them exceedingly annoying lately! They act as though they own the road - yesterday one pulled out right in front of me - I was clipping along at 65 or so and had to slam on my breaks and get it down to about 15 - hello! Not like the jerk didn't see me!! I did have momentary feelings of ill will and thought of several fitting gestures for the situation, but refrained...

Well, nothing too exciting is going on right now- I'm really glad tomorrow's Friday. How does this work - I can never believe how fast Friday comes around, but at the same time, the weeks are kinda long - does that make sense? I didn't think so. Work has been really busy and I'm ready to be done driving to training (and fighting with big trucks). I went today but it was just for the morning, and then I left work really nice and early because I had worked some longer days the beginning of the week. That was splendid. Okay, boring, all very boring. I think this weekend I'm going to start working on my pictures from my marvelous travels last summer. toodleoo.


Rhonda said...

hey! I'm going to scrapbook this weekend, too! i'll think of you. and, i'm glad that you figured out what was wrong with your car.

Jenni said...

yeah, gotta keep checking those tires!!! and let's hear it for scrap-booking. have fun!

Anonymous said...

i'm totally with you on the semi thing. on sunday i was driving and they kept pulling out in front of me. what words they made me think on a sunday! and i'm with you on the long but short weeks as well. how weird is that??

Melissa said...

Glad to hear the car was an easy fix, and you didn't have to spend any money on it. :)

Love the snow pictures, we are having major snow warnings for these next few days, so far its not so bad, only about 4 inches or so.

Have a great day!!

Sabrina said...

Oh bright one, where are you??

I read this post awhile ago. I thought I'd left a comment already, but I guess I forgot. So sorry (like you care!)

rachelslab said...

Oh I do care Sabrina! = ) I keep checking yours for new news as well. Hope you're feeling okay!