Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Pin yer hair back ladies...

Yer getting an update and it's not even Sunday. Well, I just wanted to wander on here and gripe a bit. I feel so blest to be making this transition to a new job, but I'm really struggling this week. Only one more day to go, but I've been working about 10 - 11 hour days trying to get everything done and it's stressful and I'm wasted (in the tiredness sense) and have a splitting headache and get to do it all over again tomorrow. So if you think about it and feel like it you can send up a little prayer on my behalf. Once tomorrow is over (there's a good chance I'll be at work till midnight), things will be looking much better. Then I'll have 4 days off and a new job on Monday. So I'm trying to focus on that. Right now, this feels a lot like school - like it feels like I have a 20 page research paper due tomorrow. Okay, I'm done griping - wasn't that inspirational and uplifting? I feel like I should end with a pithy quote or something - let's see.... oh yes... "You can't wrap hope, You can't wrap peace... You can't wrap Embarq high speed internet for only 24.95 per month as long as you have the service.... You can't wrap joy...." Okay, that is so much better when it's sung over the radio waves. Why do Golden Grahams get soggy so fast? That is their only flaw! Well, that and all the sugar. I ate all 3 meals in my car today... except for the Golden Grahams I'm eating now. Okay, now I'm really going. poor you for having to read this.


Jenni said...

Hey there girlie! Sorry it's such an uphill battle right now! I'll pray for you. Remember... ONLY ONE MORE DAY!!! Love ya!

Robyn said...

Hang in there, sista. I'm praying for you.

Rhonda said...

you make me tired. :) let us know when we can sigh a sigh of relief with you, ok?

Anonymous said...

So how did the final day go? My day was tiresome too - my alarm went off at the ungodly hour of 5:30 a.m., and I helped make pies from 6:30 to 3:15. Now I'm at work for a couple hours.

I'm thinking that I too deserve this 4-day vacation...Mississippi here I come!!

Anonymous said...

Wednesday is here! I'm sure you're breathing a sigh of relief.

Enjoy Thanksgiving!

Sabrina said...

I some how missed your last post. Can I comment here? I just want to say that I got the best laugh out of Wendy's comment about Jeff and the phone base. I'm not sure why that was so funny to me, but it felt really good to laugh!

I am very proud of you for trying to finish up things before you leave. A lot of people would just leave and not care about what didn't get done. You deserve a long weekend! enjoy!