Thursday, June 01, 2006

Since I'm lacking inspiration...

This is compliments of my sister in law Rhonda's blog. I think she said others were free to use it... so come on all you other bloggers out there - this is fun stuff!

What were you doing 10 years ago?
In high school and working part time at the local day care.

What were you doing 5 years ago?
Trying to balance! I believe I had just started working at the bank in Red Lake. Can't believe that was 5 years ago!

What were you doing 1 year ago?
Taking summer classes, working a bit, and biking like a banchee in anticipation of the MS Tram in MN the end of June

What were you doing yesterday?
Shopping for endless hours...

5 snacks you enjoy
Anything with salt (such as chips except salt and vinegar and all dressed)
Anything with sugar (not quite true)
carrots (yeah right - I just added that because I needed 5)

5 songs you know all the words to
Old McDonald had a farm
How Deep the Father's Love for Us
The Cow Song (well we were on our way to the Jr. prom...)
They're Coming to take me Away (remember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you NOT to leave because I'd go beserk?...)
It's Good to be Alive (and others)

5 things you would do if you had a million dollars
Start some type of fund for people who want to adopt kids from 3rd world countries but can't afford it
Pay off my school loans
Visit Australia and tour Europe
Buy a laptop
Support random causes and people

5 things you like (that's sort of a weird question)
My family and friends (duh)
The euphoric feeling that accompanies getting something done that I've been dreading
sleeping in

5 bad habbits
Starting a bunch of sentences without finishing any of them (brain works faster than mouth on occasion)
Arriving slightly late (usually only when I'm not getting paid or graded)
Letting junk pile up in my room
Buying CDs for one song that I really like
Buying stuff I think I really like, want, or need, getting it home, and realizing I was very wrong

5 things you would never wear again
enormous scrunchies
high tops
ohhhh, far too many things to list, I'm having bad mental pictures so I'm going to move on...

5 favorite toys
Digital camera
Scrapbooking stuff
DVD player (?)

Hope you enjoyed that little ditty. My roommate is gone now so the house is actually a comfortable temperature. I can remain indoors without needing wool socks and five sweaters. That' s about it. I'm leaving in 3 days! (but who's counting?)


Anonymous said...

Okay, I was here and read the thing and didn't leave a comment - sue me! : ) Glad your shopping trip was successful.

Anonymous said...

What was the "comfortable" temperature? :P 80?