Monday, June 05, 2006


No, not me, it was my friend riding the train today. I only wish you all could have seen it for yourselves. We're in Chicago killing time until my flight leaves tomorrow. So we took the train (and other assorted modes of transportation) to Navy Pier this evening. One train was particularly full and also quite lurchy. We were forced to stand and at one nasty lurch, she went flying and landed in the lap of the guy sitting behind us. Well, she liked that so much, she decided to try to repeatedly land there a couple more lurches throughout the duration of the ride. I must say, it WAS nearly impossible to stay on one's feet, but she was struggling to a much greater extent than anyone else. This little display was so hilarious. I'm sure you had to be there. But we got off that train and laughed ourselves silly. It's still fun just think to about it. Much more fun for me than for her of course. Okay, I'm off to get some rest before the big day tomorrow. Oh, Navy Pier was nice once we finally got there - we went for a little boat tour and had a nice view of the city.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the old throw-yourself-on-the-guys-lap move. Tried it myself a number of times. Never worked though. Still, drastic times call for drastic measures....