Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter and a few more random pics

Aleah and her cousin Kyra - a bit too sunny to look and smile perhaps? And Kyra is fascinated by sitting in grass for the first time.

We went to Iowa to be with Dave's family Easter weekend. Dave and Aleah had colds before we left and I started feeling rotten while there, but it was nice to see family. = ) I'm bummed I didn't get a family pic of the 3 of us on Sunday.
Aleah and grandma's tulips
Actually sharing the easter eggs! yeay!
Grandpa and Grandma have a swing on the back porch. Aleah really liked it.
First french braid. yeay! how my heart goes pitter patter. or something ridiculous like that. Too bad she'd never sit long enough for me to do all her hair in 2 of them.

An idea from Pinterest - dropping colored vinegar in a pan of baking soda and watching it bubble. It was fun, but not exactly something I could leave her with and go clean for a couple hours or anything.

A pretty dress from great aunt Robyn. = ) She found it and bought it when Aleah was in mommie's tummy, just in case she was a girl.
Speaking of which, we find out on Tuesday if we're having a boy or a girl. My emotions have been so all over the place in regards to this that I'm just so ready to know and move on. This time, I'm glad we're finding out. It's so different when you already have one and might need some time to get your heart in neutral about upcoming small fry.

Dave and Aleah are mostly feeling better. My cold has been lingering forever and driving me nuts. I stayed home from church this morning while they went, and had some peace and quiet. It was marvelous but didn't last quite long enough. I think it's nap time so I should end these boring ramblings. Bye for now.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Few pics

This is where she ALWAYS wants to be if someone is cooking. oh so helpful, cooking with Heather.
first single pony tail (that did not look like that very long).

loves to smell flowers
"Look ma! No nap!!"

Monday, April 02, 2012

a few ramblings...

Lots of random thoughts rattling around in my brain as of late. So maybe I'll try the bullet post that is so popular among many family and friends (my problem is I ramble too much so the bullets sort of become pointless, but I'll try).

-- The last of our March company is now gone. Heather from Red Lake came for a whole week from the 17th - 24th. What a grand time we had. sigh. The poor lady worked her fingers to the bone and claimed she was having fun doing it. I agree that it is always more fun to tackle someone else's mess than your own. We got SO much done and I've felt much better about life since. I had been so overwhelmed and frustrated trying to get things sorted and unpacked and organized, while not feeling great and trying to do everything else that needs to be done. We also did fun things like shopping and patronizing the new local frozen yogurt shop in town and things of that nature.

-- My old roommie was here from Wed. - Sat. of this last week. Since Heather had gotten all my work done, we had a more relaxing time. It's SO good to reconnect with friends face to face. So much better than e-mails and such.

-- Saturday morning we babysat a little guy about one and a half who was so sad that his parents left. It was pretty sweet and amusing watching Aleah try to take care of him. She'd pat him, give him looooong hugs (longer than he wanted), and pick the crumbs off his face. Now if only sharing came as naturally as "mothering" - we'd have it made. sigh. Isn't it amazing how we come into the world programmed to look out for # 1 at all costs (I want this toy! I must have it. I think I'll just sorta take it. OH MY GOODNESS, someone just took away MY toy!! Can you believe the very NERVE????)? No one has to teach us that. Then it seems that the rest of life is unlearning this annoying bend we have.

-- I realized I haven't really given much of an update about Aleah and what she's up to for a long time. I won't bore you with all her utterances and acomplishments, as I've been meaning to just stick them into a Word document somewhere. But I should note that awhile ago (I don't know when because I always forget to write things down) she counted from 1 - 10 a couple times. It was enough to make Dave's heart go pitter patter. ha! That was all just memory though. I've noticed since then she's starting to get the concept of actually counting things which is fun to see. I've noticed her counting 3 things on her own.

-- Lest you think she is too brillant, she has been known to hit her head against something hard, starting light, and going till it hurts and then crying. ummmm.... wow. She also tends to enjoy chocking herself with a spoon or any other long skinny object that she can fit back in her throat. oddness.

-- I suppose it's just a normal toddler thing, but do they all have the same talent for seeking out and making messes everywhere they go? Some of her latest shenanigans include dumping a nearly full box of cereal all over the floor (I was tempted to pour milk on it and give her a spoon), routinely making as much of a mess of food as humanly possible (we're working on that one), dumping an almost completely full bottle of rather expensive shampoo/body wash into the tub (it shall be deducted from her allowance as soon as she gets one), and even as I speak, her hair is greasy and smells like a piece of toast because I cought her playing in the soft butter (no clue how she could reach it) and smearing it all over. (and this just in, updating a couple days later - spilling water in a power strip. hooray!) oh the fun times. If it's quiet for longer than 30 seconds, you better investigate. I've never had a boy of my own obviously, so I suppose I should suspend judgement, but I have to say, there are days when I'm quite miffed by all the "he's just all boy" talk. Because I'm pretty sure when it comes to making messes, climbing, running, and getting into trouble, she could compete with the best of the boys her age. She will however, sit for long periods of time if she's being read to or is watching something she likes. So maybe that's different, I don't know. Anyway, I'm rambling.

-- She is obssessed with sitting on counters or on top of dressers and being in on the action. loves to "help" cook and watch me put on my face or whatever.

-- I'm still trying to decide how strong willed she is. haha. What is it about toddlers and thier ability to be so totally sweet and adorable one minute, and so very very depraved the next. I have about a total of zero parenting theories so far, but one thing I'm finding is that a person really is a person no matter how small. Thank you Dr. Suess. What I really mean is that often I can see that her anger or crying about something is more frustration about not being able to really express what she feels and wants rather than trying to just be a pain. I think as adults often our first reaction to an obnoxious, upset toddler is to be firm and say you WILL stop acting like that RIGHT now, STOP CRYING, it's ANNOYING ME!! ect. Well, I should only speak for myself there I guess. Anyway, I'm finding (these aren't all my original thoughts) that often an understanding word and offering a little compassion can go much further than a stern warning to cut it out. If we say to her, "can you tell us why you're sad?" or even if she can't have what she wants, "I'm sorry you're sad," this often tends to calm things down a little quicker. She sort of relaxes and I can almost hear her think, well, at least they care how I feel. Sometimes it works, somtimes it doesn't at all and we're back at square one. But I have to remind myself of how I like to be talked to and treated when I'm upset about something, regardless of how rational it is. I apoogize for my inability to be concise in anything I write...

-- I'm approaching the half way point in this preg. and that feels really good. Of course with my track record, it's probably not really the half way point, but we try not to think about that. I'm still waiting for that energy thing they talk about the second trimester. By evening I usually can barely hold my head up. Soon we get to find out if we're having a pink or blue baby. We didn't find out last time and it was so great being surprised at the end. It also took a ton of will power. Part of me is disappointed that we can't just wait again, but the louder part of me wants to know RIGHT NOW!

-- I had other things I was going to write about - things that burn my bacon and keep me up at night. But this has been sitting here waiting to be posted for a couple days now so I'll just post it for now. And get a few pics up.