And now, before this next batch of pics, that possibly filled my heart with joy and made me wish for a better camera and mad skills to use it, a little anecdote. Long, long (long long long long long long) ago when I was a teenager, full of winsome vigor and zest for life, I was out shopping with my mom and aunt in Michigan. I don't remember what store we were in, but I came across this line of kid's clothes called "Rachel's Kids." It was even spelled right, with no "a" added. So I thought, in all my youthful, winsome, vigor, how sweet would it be to buy something and save it for the day that I might have my own small fry that could wear it? Then her tag would say "Rachel's Kids" and it would be true, except there would only be one and not 2. But I digress. So, reaching back into the farthest recesses of my memory, I recall picking out something I thought was cute, bought it, bagged it, and stashed it away in my hope chest. I'm sure you can tell where this is going, so without further ado - today's photo shoot.
We went back to the aforementioned park. Wait, latter mentioned park. It's be gorgeous here for over a week - very warm and sunny every day with beautiful fall leaves. Natural light is SO wonderful! Way better than trying to take pics inside where they're either too dark, or glowing white from the flash. And you don't have to use red eye reduction and all that. And being outside with more distractions was nice because she didn't just pound on her chest the whole time meaning she wants the camera.
Her hat stood up in funny ways and looked like misplaced rabbit ears or something. but hey, you'd be a little bent out of shape too if you spent the last 20 years in storage