... but I can't remember most of them. shoot. So a little story from one day last week. A rather traumatic day for some (why am I updating my blog at 12:30 am? I have no idea!). Anyway, last Thursday
Aleah and I went to MOPS. I had never gone before and it was good to get out and do something like that and hang out with actual um, humans, humans who are tall - taller than my kneecaps. Anyway, this was the start of short
human's no good very bad day. She loves going new places and hanging out with new people, but also isn't a fan of loudness. She's always loved going to the nursery at church. So anyway, she was happy to go and play with the kids and all, but toward the end, several kids had had enough and wanted their mommies, which resulted in somewhat of a chain reaction - when I went to get her, there were probably 5 kids bawling their little hearts out and she was one of them. Well, we got calmed down and headed out for a fun
walmart shopping trip (snort). It was chilly and rainy. Got our stuff, got out to the car, and as I was putting getting her in her seat, I let her play with the keys. Usually I unlock the doors and then toss the keys on my seat while I get her in. So anyway, I got her in, tossed the keys on my seat, shut her door, went to open mine and... wait...
nooooooooo.... she had played with the buttons and I guess pushing the lock button doesn't make any sound, but once you shut the doors after that, they'll all lock. So she was in and I was out. In the rain. Thank God we weren't in Baton Rouge in the 98 degree weather. Then I really would have freaked out. I tried to call Dave. We were really close to school and I knew it was a time when he would have been able to come over. No answer (his cell phone was missing - still is). Well, I've locked myself out of my car a
bagillion times, enough to know that some cops will come to help you and some won't, but they always will when there's a child locked inside. So, standing in the rain, feeling like a total idiot, I called 911. "What is the location of your emergency?" "Well, it's not really an emergency, I'm just a moron..." Anyway, the lady was nice and said she'd send someone over. She asked if my baby was
ok. Well, she was more upset over having dropped her precious
blankie and was crying about that and staring at me like what is your problem, just get it for me already! Peekaboo helped for awhile. A nice lady pulled up and asked if she could help me. Me? Oh, I don't need help, I'm just standing by my car in the rain for fun. ha. She said I could wait in her vehicle. Well, I sorta need to stand here and watch my kid cry
cuz she doesn't have her blanket, but thanks. Then the cop arrived, had me sign something, got me unlocked pretty quick which set off the car alarm. Which I couldn't turn off no matter what I pushed. which finally shut up when I started the car. Ah, that was fun. From there, we went to
Menards because dumb
walmart didn't have the mouse traps we needed. If we were true pioneers like my brother in law, and probably my brother too, we would have just rigged something up with a bucket and peanut butter. But I can't stand seeing dead mice. Or live for that matter (did I mention we had mice?). So we get the nice ones where you don't even have to see the dead thing in there. So, after recovering from baby scream camp and baby being locked in car, we get into the store and I'm looking at mouse traps and she's running around right beside me, when I see what looks like her putting something in her mouth. I walk over and there's bags of ant poison and one of them is open with lots of little powdery goodness for chubby little paws to get their hands on. Are you kidding me? I'm calling poison control 15 minutes after calling 911? And she's not even a boy! Well anyway, as it turned out, I just watched her and she seemed fine, so I'm guessing if she did get any, it was a very small amount. The same thing I choose to believe about the poop she may or may not have eaten this evening.
(the next day we didn't leave the house, if memory serves me correctly)
In other, happier news, Aleah also has a cold. oh, that's not the happy part. This is just sort of random and funny. You know how garlic is a natural antibiotic and good for colds and whatever might ail you? Well, I had given her some before but it was a few months ago and I wasn't sure if she'd still eat the stuff - like pure garlic oil in capsule form. So a couple days ago, I gave her some and she snarfed them down faster than nobody's business, and wanted more. Until I wouldn't give her more and then she bawled. What in the world? Garlic? She eats it with greater joy and enthusiasm than ice cream. She says YUM and smiles really big and bangs on her chest for more please. So some kids get chocolate for potty training treats? I'm thinking we might just stick with garlic pills.
In other unrelated news, I'm looking forward to seeing some Indiana friends this weekend at a shower and just hanging out. Then next weekend Dave and I go to New York for his cousin's wedding, and then in October the weekends are almost all full - so much going on and that's fun - company, another wedding to go to, things of that nature. allrighty, so that's it for now.