- is finally walking more than crawling. She took 10 steps a couple different times on our moving day the beginning of Aug. and has since then, continued to take a lot of steps, but this past Sunday is when I'd call her walking nearly everywhere instead of taking 5 steps and then falling and crawling the rest of the way. Those teetering steps when they have to concentrate so much to stay upright are so stinkin cute - arms out and waving all over.
- learned how to "fist bump" this past weekend as well.
- When we were back in Baton Rouge (first couple weeks in Aug.) she started saying "I see you!" back to me when I'd say it to her. Apparently she has to be really hot to say that because she hasn't said it much in Indiana.
- Some of her words that she'll say sometimes - bath, thank you, love you (the last 2 she also said more in BR than here), oh WOW, tickle tickle, Helloooo (her all time favorite that she said all the time when she sees someone, when Dave or I answer the phone, or when she's playing with anything that she can hold up to her ear), night night, yum yum, nana (banana), up, down (her new favorites), bow wow for dog. She signs please, thank you, more and her version of all done, which also means please get me out of here, pick me up, etc.
- She makes a blowing sound for "hot" - food or otherwise. I was rather warm the other day and said "Mommie's HOT!" and she started blowing. It was really cute but I'm sure you had to be there.
- Is still on her rather late, adult like schedule - stays up late, will often sleep in late, and takes a later afternoon nap. There's pros and cons to this way of doing things - it's nice to not have to rush home at 8 and put her to bed, or be able to be out and about till 2 in the afternoon before she's melting down. The only drawback is that it doesn't give Dave and I much time to actually converse and have a quite evening. Conversely, it can give me a nice, quiet morning, when she sleeps till 9 or 10. = )
- loves reading books. loves going out and about and meeting new people and going new places. gets rather bored if there's not enough going on.
- The cow still says baaaa about 98% of the time. ONE TIME she said moo and we nearly had a heart attack. But it's back to baaaing again.
- She's at this funny stage where when you tell her to repeat something, she wants to, but can't quite yet, so she'll just rattle something off that has about the same number of syllables but sounds nothing like the word. a fun little game.
- This is confusing to me - she seems to be cutting eye teeth (it looks like the bottom ones are coming) and yet she's happy as a clam and not her usual teething self. I've heard those are the worst and she's never been a great teether, so who knows. But anyway, she has been in a great mood for days on end lately.
- giggles at the oddest times like when she's sitting on your lap and you start putting her pjs on her feet - she thinks that's hilarious. why? I have no idea. Whenever she goes down for her nap, when I'm walking out of the room and saying night night... love you... she stands up and giggles her head off. And usually says night night.
- often doesn't eat that much for breakfast, but can put the food away for lunch and supper.
Well gracious, I didn't think I had that much to say about her. Dave and I went to the President's house for dinner last night. President of the university, that is. We took Aleah to a family's house that we had met at church. Always seems to me she should sort of freak out in these types of situations - people she doesn't know, a place she's never been - but she loved it. Waved good bye and just wanted to play and had a great evening there. We enjoyed amazing catered and served food at a big amazing house and felt too hoity toity for our own good. It's always difficult (VERY difficult, for us introverts at least) exchanging pleasantries for that long with a big group of people. But the food almost made up for that. Honestly, I was sort of dreading the whole thing, but it wasn't too bad.
Well, we have more company coming this weekend and there's always a ton to do. Because I never get it done. So maybe I should work on that. Happy Thursday!