Howdy one and all. Or more like one and one. Anyway, FINALLY I am getting some pics on this blog, though they will be few. The reason being if I keep trying to post pics on here, I fear that our next 20 tax rebates will not cover the therapy I will need. I love our new computer, really I do, but you know, when you're just used to how something works and have a system down, and then everything changes, ouch! It has been SO frustrating at times - one thing after another going wrong or not working right - downloading different programs and then they are different than they used to be. And then today I figured out something I could use to resize pictures and then I was having all sorts of problems with the files on the computer and on and on. Anyway, I'll spare you the gory details - I was highly frustrated, but did manage to finally eek these out, after much distress and trauma. I also have some more pics from the last few months that I'd like to get on here eventually. Last weekend we went to a really pretty little town more in the country. I was aching to get out of the city and it was really nice there. That was the excitement of the last few weeks. Other than that, things have been pretty even keeled around here. Last night we went walking around a really neat part of town that we hardly ever go to and I think it will now become a favorite hangout. It was so nice after dark, just a little cook, and there's little shops, a water fountain, and there's a honkin huge movie theater there and outside they have these 3 screens that are sort of like giant screen savers. So we can sit there and be mesmerized by such cheap thrills. We also went to Barnes and Noble which is right there to spend some of a gift card. So he's reading a book about how the state's borders were formed and is very intrigued by that. I'm hoping to read "Same Kind of Different as Me" but I might wait to start till Monday morning when I really need something to do. Anyway, without further ado, here's a little peek at most of the pics I've done so far. I think I'd like to scrapbook this weekend maybe. I need to get a move on with that thing.
Okay, I GIVE UP!!! I just deleted that top picture about 4 times, and then lost the entire post and had to do it over. (I had that writing saved). And struggled with blue underlined font... Technology and I are NOT getting along today in the least. The top picture is REFUSING to let anything be written above it, so there you go, the top picture is the cover picture. There will be some stuff between that page and this one: I had done the last page 3 pictures down first and then decided to just put all our vows in since they were short and to the point anyway. So they are in the next few pages, don't know if you can read it with the small pics.