Sunday, May 20, 2007

Can you explain something?

I know that with Blogger, whatever you post last ends up on top. So I had these last 2 posts and I wanted the pictures to be last so I ever so intentionally saved the writing and posted the pictures first and the writing last, and now, no matter what I do, it insists on the pictures coming first. I just don't get it!
It was so good to see this cutie again! He was so tired and cranky Friday night - this expression says it all.
All crammed in and ready to go...

They probably won't like me for this, but like I said, I don't have many great pictues right now of anything exciting. We got together for supper Friday night and then they headed for home.

This is my friend Anna's graduation. We had a lot of fun at school together. She finished one semester after I did and walked this spring. It was fun to meet her family.

ramblings and preponderances...

"The leech has two daughters (Jenni and Rhonda), 'Give!' Give!' they cry. (Proverbs 30:15 - one of my favorites) I deeply regret my lack of communication lately, but even now, I don't have much to say. So I'll post a couple pictures that aren't that great, but the best I can do right now. Last week was crazy busy but good to see family. This week I'm hoping to work 4 10 hour days so I can take Friday off and then have 4 days off due to next Monday being a holiday. The thought of 4 days off makes me just about cry with joy. A friend and I are trying to think of a fun place to go. We're at a pretty central location here so we've thought of St. Louis, Mackinaw Island, somewhere else in Michigan, then I started thinking Toronto... who knows. : ) Oh, here's a funny story for you. I wasn't amused at all but hopefully you can get a kick out of it. Tonight I was doing some baking for the first time in what seems like years. Anyway, I have to do something with my ever rotting bananas (I can never eat them fast enough, and it's not like I buy that many). Anyway, I digress. So I made some dirty dishes and the dishwasher was full so logic would dictate that I should empty it. So I began emptying it, but kept thinking that a lot of the dishes didn't seem to get very clean. If they were really bad, I'd leave them in, but most of them I just put away, rather puzzled. I had nearly the whole thing unloaded when I looked at the silverware and realized with sickening clarity that there is no way these dishes have been washed at all! The silverware was quite disgustingly dirty. So now what I'm I supposed to do? I have dirty dishes nicely put away in every cupboard in the kitchen! And since I enjoy making extra work for myself... well, I left some of them and gathered up some of the nastier ones and reloaded the dirty dishes back in the dishwasher and decided to run it right away. So that's my Amelia Bedelia story of the day. As a side note, for the 2 or so of you who care, my mom used to make this killer banana cake with carmel icing. Few things in life I have found that could be considered "too sweet" for my tastes, but this comes pretty close. Anyway, I tried to recreate it tonight and didn't do too bad, if I do say so myself, but I have this one gripe about American powdered sugar - it always tastes weird! Sometimes it's much worse than others, but anything I buy around here just has an odd taste. I guess I shouldn't blame all of America - maybe it's an Indiana thing. Anyway here's some pictures.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

What do you expect??

Hi all - I trust that you've been sensing an ever-growing lack in your life since I've been so quiet. I was meaning to update before I headed out of town, but ran out of time. I spent last week from Sunday - Friday in Indy at work training. I went with some other people from another office so I had people to hang out with. The evenings were fun - we were right downtown - we went to the IMAX theater one night and watched the shark show, walked around the circle, walked around downtown, etc. I was privileged to be able to watch some hockey, having access to cable TV and all. So the evenings were fun. The actual training however - much different story! man oh daises - you stuff 40 women in a small room with extremely limited space, strap them down with approximately 900 pounds of training manuals and NO room to move them, then drone on and on for hours and hours and hours, nay, even unto DAYS... well, let's just say there were some pretty cranky women in that room. You had these huge and hard to maneuver books and the trainers would be jumping from book to book telling us to find different things. I thought a couple times that there might be an angry outburst or huge revolt. But people mostly kept it to quietly uttered bitter statements. And then there were a couple women behind me who were just a mess. The spent the last 2 days being loud and obnoxious and making smart remarks about everything that was said. It actually helped to pass the time and was a nice diversion. The training was very helpful in that I'll be able to use a whole bunch more information now when I do visits, but a lot of the information they gave us was either training we had already had or things that didn't apply. But anyway, I'll stop griping about the trauma and try to move on. I got back last night and today I went to graduation and then went for lunch with a friend and her family who was here for grad. After that I ran around to 3 different open houses. It's been a really long week and day today and hopefully tomorrow will be somewhat relaxing. So, that's what's going on here.