So, it turns out that one of my tires was very very very low. I had about 10 lbs. of air put in it and viola! - no more shaking steering wheel, nearly being pulled off the road, and when I hit 60 mph, I have also lost my vibrating chair. I sorta miss it.... Today I thought it was a bit unstable, but I think that was mostly due to the wind - I really dislike it when it's really windy and you're trying to pass huge annoying semis. ugh. Speaking of semis, I'm finding them exceedingly annoying lately! They act as though they own the road - yesterday one pulled out right in front of me - I was clipping along at 65 or so and had to slam on my breaks and get it down to about 15 - hello! Not like the jerk didn't see me!! I did have momentary feelings of ill will and thought of several fitting gestures for the situation, but refrained...
Well, nothing too exciting is going on right now- I'm really glad tomorrow's Friday. How does this work - I can never believe how fast Friday comes around, but at the same time, the weeks are kinda long - does that make sense? I didn't think so. Work has been really busy and I'm ready to be done driving to training (and fighting with big trucks). I went today but it was just for the morning, and then I left work really nice and early because I had worked some longer days the beginning of the week. That was splendid. Okay, boring, all very boring. I think this weekend I'm going to start working on my pictures from my marvelous travels last summer. toodleoo.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007

Okay, I couldn't post the other way with each picture being a post, so here's a whole hodge podge of snow pictures. I wanted to go take snow pictures one evening, but didn't get out till after dark so it was really hard to get anything to show up. The hazy looking ones - that was my breath, not smoking snow, in case you wondered. I was sorta surprised when I saw it show up. The wood is a walking trail close by.
Sorry about your luck - Part 2
Since it's been awhile since I've written a bitter diatribe of the downtrodden, I thought it was about time. I'll jumo right in - You know you're in for a long day when... it started out in the unpleasant manner of waking up 2 hours before I had to get up, unable to sleep. As I was groggily getting ready for the day, I ran out of hot water in the shower and became very chilly. Also at the same time, our furnace has not been working right, so when I got out of the freezing cold shower, it was also about 63 degrees in the house. At that point, I was in a very foul mood. But I managed to eventually wake and cheer up considerably. THEN, I was going to be on the road a lot today. As I was making a 45 minute treck to a small town, driving the company car, I heard an odd noise, sounded like something hit the side of the car. Then it all happened so fast that I'm still scratching my head (in the proverbial sense). About that fast, I was completely unable to drive and pulling over to the side, as one car whips past me and I turn around to look and another car is about 2 feet from mine, buried in snow. WHAT IN THE WORLD? I stumbled out of the car looked at the climbing out of his buried car and said "Did I HIT you??" He said no, and started to explain that the one guy was able to go around me, but cars were coming so he took the ditch. So then I told him I must have blown a tire, because something happened to make my vehicle stop, apparently rather quickly to cause all the commotion. It's all really fuzzy in my brain. I guess (after the very friendly and patient man had explained it about 5 times I caught on to what happened) the guy who went sailing past me was the one right behind me (he also stopped to make sure everyone was all right) was the one following right behind me. Then the guy who hit the ditch was the one following him. So he had to call a tow truck, someone from work eventually came to change my tire, and in the meantime, the police came, put out orange cones, had lights flashing, and directed traffic. (Police in this area get really bored I think) I was still sort of on the road and when the tow truck came we were blocking a lot. So that was my fun for the day. I should mention also that it was bitterly cold. And I left my sorels in Canada. I think everything else went fairly smoothly after that, but it's worth mentioning that my own vehicle has been acting odd. My steering wheel acts like it's having a perpetual seizure. It's always shaking back and forth in a speedy manner. Also when I was driving back from a training this week it was shimmying so bad it felt like I was sitting in a vibrating chair. If any guys have some suggestions as to what might be wrong, please let me know. And to end on a positive note, after 4 years of not seeing a dentist, I have NO cavities, and my gums, despite bleeding and soreness, are actually quite healthy. ya don't say.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Since I have nothing better to do...
... I just spent ages poking around with new blog colors. I was actually trying to come up with something that looks relatively nice, but now I think it looks like I just spent a day at kindergarten. What do you think?
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Would you like to come eat vegetables off my floor?
Because you could ya know. I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor in my room last night (we do have great Friday nights around here) mostly because the mop was broken and has remained in that state for quite some time now. And also because it was in amazing need of it. Last week was nutty and I spent evenings trying to get all my stuff done so I could relax this weekend, which has mostly been happening. I have a lot of training right now - 2 days a week for 3 weeks and that makes work frantic and somewhat frustrating. Wednesday I was gone for training and met up with a friend - a friend from here went as well and we went to a .... HOCKEY GAME! Did my Canadian blood some good. I haven't seen hockey in ages.
Speaking of training, since I have to listen to hours of this a week, I'll put you through some of it too - for all you prego women out there (which is about 89% of my readers right now I think) - here's a free tip. We learned this week that if a pregnant woman doesn't take in enough calories when she's pregnant, the developing baby can loose up to FORTY PERCENT of their brain cells - yes, nearly half of their brain cells that they will never get back. So the moral of the story? EAT UP!! You might weigh 300 pounds by the time you deliver, but your kid will grow up and work at NASA or cure cancer and pay for your gastric bypass surgery. Remember that behind every genius is an enormous woman. I knew you all really wanted an excuse anyway, and if that doesn't do it for ya....
What else? I believe I may remember a few nuggets of truth from John Tesh, even though it was nearly a week ago. Let's see - in an elevator, you will let someone shorter stand closer to you than someone taller. Also, rumor has it that before smoke detectors were invented, the Chinese used to scatter firecrackers around the house - so they would go off if there was a fire and everyone could pop out of bed and head out in a speedy fashion.
Well, that just might be everything I have to say for now. Hope you're having a great weekend.
Speaking of training, since I have to listen to hours of this a week, I'll put you through some of it too - for all you prego women out there (which is about 89% of my readers right now I think) - here's a free tip. We learned this week that if a pregnant woman doesn't take in enough calories when she's pregnant, the developing baby can loose up to FORTY PERCENT of their brain cells - yes, nearly half of their brain cells that they will never get back. So the moral of the story? EAT UP!! You might weigh 300 pounds by the time you deliver, but your kid will grow up and work at NASA or cure cancer and pay for your gastric bypass surgery. Remember that behind every genius is an enormous woman. I knew you all really wanted an excuse anyway, and if that doesn't do it for ya....
What else? I believe I may remember a few nuggets of truth from John Tesh, even though it was nearly a week ago. Let's see - in an elevator, you will let someone shorter stand closer to you than someone taller. Also, rumor has it that before smoke detectors were invented, the Chinese used to scatter firecrackers around the house - so they would go off if there was a fire and everyone could pop out of bed and head out in a speedy fashion.
Well, that just might be everything I have to say for now. Hope you're having a great weekend.
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