Monday, January 29, 2007

Sound the flags!

I actually made something that tasted good! It's been quite the pilgrimage this week. To give you the highlights - first there was the nasty soup that smelled enough like dog food that I haven't had the guts to taste it yet. Then one night I made a "pizza" of sorts (to completely defame the name). We had company and everyone else was eating real pizza. So I made this whole wheat biscuit dough for a crust and made this nasty home made pizza sauce and put veggies on top. Well, it turns out the little tar crust was supposed to have 4 tsp. of baking powder as opposed to baking soda. It seemed like an exfoliater of sorts... anyway, I'm continuing to eat it but it's not pleasant. Then I bought some healthy salad dressing 2ce but they were both revolting. But anyway, tonight I made some chicken barley soup with a pile of veggies and it turned out quite good. And it only took till 9:00...

Okay, onto something interesting. Let's see - the only thing I remember from John Tesh is where the name WD-40 came from. I think some of you probably know this already - something about it taking the company 40 tries to get the Water Displacement formula right. Oh, I do remember one more thing - your key to a blissful marriage is to e-mail your spouse throughout the day hashing through all your junk so you can enjoy your evening.

Onto something light and airy - a much older and wiser lady shared this story with me and I think it's okay to post here, but it is a bit more crass than usual so beware. I got such a huge bang out of it that I just couldn't keep it to myself. Okay, so a friend was telling me this true story, as told to her by the main character. Once upon a time long ago there was an older, conservative Mennonite lady who went to the shoe store to buy a new pair of shoes. As was the custom back in the day, the nice man measured her shoe, then went to the back room to find a pair for her to try on. As was also the custom back in the day, the friendly man put the new shoe on the lady so she could try it out. As he lifted her leg slightly, the lady, (ahem) farted. Well, she was so embarrassed, distraught, and humiliated, that when the friendly man went back to the shoe room to find her another shoe, she bolted from the store and sought refuge in her car. But alas, her heart sank as she realized that she had left her purse in the store. So she had to go back in and face the friendly man. So she re-entered the store, obviously completely consumed by the whole terrible ordeal, and approached the friendly man. The man asked, "Can I help you Ma'am?" and she replied, "Yes, I believe I left my fart in here." Then I don't what the man said, but hopefully he said, "Oh yes, it's right over here on the chair."

I'm sorry if I offended anyone. Good night.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Excuse me much for that bushel of rudabaggies?

Howdy all - Well, there's a few thoughts running around in my head. Let's see, where to start. Well, since there's nothing really exciting going on, I guess I'll let you in on the mundane stuff. So, for awhile now, I've been kicking around the idea of going on this nasty strict candida albicans control diet. It's supposed to cure whatever's ailing ya and I have not been happy with my overall health lately. So I officially started this thing yesterday. Basically, if it's not an organic chicken or a vegetable, spit it out. It's been a lot of fun so far. I have never bought so many vegetables in my life. They all look so pretty and green in my fridge. Now I actually have to eat the junk. (I mean natural blessings of the earth) So if anyone happens to have recipes with those ingredients, I'd be happy to hear em. I just want to tell you about my soup making experience today. So I go to the organic meat place and the super friendly lady talks me into these things called soup bones. I basically bought them because they were the only really cheap thing in the store. She said you just throw them in a pot with all the veggies and the meat will miraculously fall off the bones and she gave me this spice and said it will all be so wonderful and tasty. What she failed to mention.... oh where would I start... Let's just say I boiled the life outta the stuff until the veggies were all barely recognizable mush and then the meat was finally starting to fall off the bones ... and it smells nasty. I don't even want to ever look at it again, let alone salvage and eat it. Part of the problem might have been that the soup bones were a solid frozen lump when I threw them in. But seriously - in boiling water, how long should it take? Okay, I'm done on that painful subject.

Completely and utterly unrelated - so here's a question for you. How often to you buy running shoes? (or walking or cross trainers as the case may be...) I'm just a bit curious because I was doing some math today and I think that I have purchased 3 pairs in the last approximately 7.5 years. I know someone else fairly well who purchases many many more than that. I'm just wondering which one of us is normal. (and I'm glad I can't hear all the smart alek remarks to that statement.)

Okay, one more thing. This I think you had to be there for (bad sentence, sorry) but it hit me pretty funny. So I work with the sweetest little lady and the other day we were in the computer lab working away and I look over and say "WHAT is that???" She looks very proud of herself and says "Don't you know?" I say "Is that an MP3 player? She sqeals with delight, complete with hands waiving in the air and everything. She says how much she luuuuvs it. I find it funny, but odd, since I know her and, well, techie would not really describe her - she finds e -mailing a stretch... so anyway, she said she can't really download yet, but has help with that. Then she says, as she pulls the earphones way back and squints, "the only bad thing is I can barely read the tiny letters on the earphones telling me which one goes where..." Oh man, did I get a kick out of that! You know you're too old for an MP3 player when.... So I got to look and tell her and I felt important to at least be associated with an MP3 player in some small way. It really was a cute little gadget. Okay, with that, she stopped typing and went to bed.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Is it still brown??

Thanks so much to everyone who commented and told me that my background color was brown. I just don't get it. I even changed it to more red and it looks very red on my computer but I saw it on another computer screen and it looked pretty brown. So since that was a flop, I thought maybe you'd enjoy a new look. (pause now for excessive vomiting) Well, let's see - by Karla's request, I tried really hard to remember some insight gained from John Tesh this morning (speaking of Karla - I'm so impressed I made it in your blog and I'm saying that here, since I can't comment on yours... = P). I remember that there are 3 elements to a successful marriage -1) respect, 2) oh shoot, I really can't remember the second, 3) realism (realistic expectations). Oh YES, I just remembered - 2) integrity. He also listed the 4 different types of relationships, but I think it would sort of bore you. But on second thought, as an exercise in my lacking short term memory skills, I'll try to list them: 1) traditional, 2) companionate, 3)romantic, 4) old and mostly dead (rats! can't remember #4, actually it's # 3 I can't remember). Okay, the other thing - there's no such thing as being double jointed, only slightly more flexible than average. And also, cell phone etiquette - the one that stands out to me is that it's very very very rude to talk on your cell phone while paying at a store or restaurant. oops, done that before. Okay, this concludes John Tesh's intelligence for your life - all you need to be a better spouse, parent, employee, pet owner, cell phone user.... (it actually says something like that!)

In other news - I don't have a lot. Oh, Karla also mentioned American Idol - does anyone else out there watch? Well, I didn't watch all 4 hours that were on this past week, but I saw some of it and there were some quite hilarious moments, but at one point Simon ridiculed someone because he looked like a monkey. I thought that was quite uncalled for and he needs to stick to insulting their musical performances.

This morning in church I was by myself and looking for a place to sit when this really friendly lady came up to me and started asking who I was. She asked if I went to Grace and I said I just graduated. She told me her name and I sat with her and then she said she teaches music at Grace. Then it clicked - I right away knew her last name and who she was. She would be the practically famous director of the music department at Grace. Everyone knows her! I felt so dumb since I had just told her I graduated from there. It also doesn't bode well sitting by the director of the music department during singing. I tried to sort of turn in the other direction. Anyway, that was my Sunday morning adventure.

Yesterday I spent HOURS and HOURS going through filing and papers that have been accumulating for years. I just wasn't prepared for how long it would take. Of course it might have gone faster if I would have been more focused and bull dozed through instead of watching movies the whole time. I now have a much more user friendly system and got rid of a bunch of junk. And for anyone out there who is interested in how American government works - I would recommend the very old "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." It was pretty good. Okay, I think that concludes all I have to say today.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Oh and another thing I was wondering...

What color does my background look like on your computer screen? Becuase I was after a dark, brick red. And that's what it looks like on my computer but my sister says it looks brown to her. So I'd love to hear (not that it matters at all in light of eternity) what it looks like to you! Please tell me! Becuase I wasn't really wanting brown. Okay, that's all. I did hear some stuff on John Tesh that I was going to pass along, but at the moment, I don't remember any of it.

Do ya ever get the feeling...

So, I guess I'm just having one of those weeks, or months, hopefully not years. Do you ever feel exceptionally ill at ease, in the way, clutzy, etc? Or do you ever feel like everything you touch breaks, burns, shatters, explodes, implodes, etc.? I think it started last week, no it started about 20 years ago, but this most recent bout started last week. First of all, I was in some minor discomfort so I decided to heat up a rice bag (or corn, I believe, as the case may be). On the second round of heating, I popped er in the microwave for a little touch up (for 3 minutes - I was using someone else's - mine I can cook for 5 min, easily), then went downstairs to do some laundry. As I was walking up the stairs, I was greeted by a smell so horrendous, I literally ran the rest of the way up the stairs because I was sure something was on fire. Well, nothing was in flames, but I had cooked the ever lovin patooties out of the corn bag. It had left brown liquid in the microwave and the smell was so awful and lingered for quite some time. The microwave still smells to this day actually (I know, I know, it stinks, I smell... [Sheldon]). Then a couple nights ago I was vacuuming and there was a lit candle on the coffee table (on a rather tall candle holder). As I was ferociously vacuuming, I knocked the lit candle sailing through the air and hot wax got everywhere - on the coffee table, floor, and couch cover. It's a big mess that's not completely taken care of yet. Great. THEN, (oh yes, there's more) today I was at a gas station getting some drinks for myself and a co-worker and when I was paying, I had my purse on the counter (naturally), and dropped something. So as I bent down to pick it up, my purse fell off the counter and on the way down, it hit my head, which was on the way up. I'm sure the people behind the counter thought WHAT in the WORLD?? But on a cheery note - I didn't have to pay for my purchases because they were rung in wrong and the nice lady said just to take them and go (quickly please before you break something you psycho!). So that's my little story. And it's about all of interest that's happening in my life. I'm hoping for a reprieve from all the clutziness soon!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Because once again, I always listen to Rhonda...

2006 in Review
I know we're well into 2007, but I'm not done reflecting on 2006 yet - and someone told me to do this, so here it is...

1. What did you do in 2006 that you had never done before?
Flew to Madagascar, saw some of Europe, went to Glacier National Park, made homemade donuts (although it was really early and I don't remember much of it), graduated kolege, got a cell phone, tried to be a social worker... I'm sure there were others - it was a big year.

2.Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I doubt that I made any last year but I’m considering making some this year. (Ha ha ha ha - I just left Rhonda's answer on that one, cause it's true for me too.)

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
I'm sure a bunch of my friends and family had babies.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Because I've had to think awhile, I'm really hoping no.

5. What countries did you visit? Madagascar, The Netherlands, Belgium (for the afternoon), France (does the airport count?), Canada.

6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
Oh I dunno... but maybe it could be hot and have lots of money (like an ATM in Arizona?)

7. What dates will remain etched in your memory and why?
I'm having trouble coming up with any specific dates - oh, here's some - first Saturday in May - graduated, June 6 - flew to Mad. Aug. 24 - new job, Nov. 27 - new job.

8. What's your biggest achievement of the year?
finishing school (HALLELUJAH!! I'm still in awe of Sundays free of writing papers.)

9. What was your biggest failure?
Getting lost every time I leave the house. Making 45 minute trips take 2.5 hours... (actually, I'm sure I failed in more serious ways...)

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing major - a persistent cough which felt like I was being strangled and caused tears to pour down my face. And biting the flesh in my mouth till it was bleeding and raw - you know how you bite it once then it puffs up and becomes so much easier to bite again, thus compounding the problem....)

11.What was the best thing you bought?
Cell phone is right up there, plane tickets (thanks to many generous donations)

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
All the wonderful friends and family who allowed me to go to Mad.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and disgusted?
My roommate who had the nerve to steal my memory card and card reader, put it in her coat pocket, and return it only after I had bought new ones! ARGG!

14. Where did most of your money go?
Down the drain. I don't understand how it happens... the usual I guess - food, clothes, rent, car, hitting deer, stuff like that...

15. What did you get really really excited about?
Going to Madagascar and The Netherlands, getting a cell phone (I feel as though I'm repeating myself an exorbitant amount here...) having friends come to visit (Bethany, MJ) and getting to see friends (LaRonda, Robyn, Karla K., Twila, Karla N., Kristi - I'm probably missing some)

16. What song will always remind you of 2006?
Maybe "Bad Day" - I like that song and rear ended someone because I was distracted by it one day... how ironic. And a bunch of others - I had a long commute in the spring and fall both and listened to the radio a lot.

17. Compared to this time last year are you? a)happier or sadder? happier (it's Sunday and I'm wasting time in cyberspace instead of writing a 30 page paper) b)fatter or thinner? shut up and stop asking such personal questions! c)richer or poorer? Richer (meaning I can pay rent this month)

18. What do you wish you had done more of?
Frolicking with the deer in the back yard. Meeting new people and getting involved in a small group.

19. What do you wish you had done less of?
Getting annoyed and worked up over small things.

20. How will you be spending New Year's Eve?
I predict that I will be in International Falls, hanging out with my brother and his family at their church party, getting giddy on the scotch and jello shooters.

21. Did you fall in love in 2006?

22. What was your favorite TV program?
Well, since I have a very limited selection and didn't watch much of anything - probably (I'm slightly embarrassed to admit it, but Karla will understand) American Idol, and House MD.

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Hate is such a strong term...

24. What was the best book you read?
Safely Home by Randy Alcorn.

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Well, it's like this - on the radio, most songs only stay popular for a couple months. So if you really like one, you better download it right away or you may never hear it again. However, during their 3 months of glory, you'll hear them about every 16 minutes.

26. What did you want and get?
A trip to Mad... a cell phone... (once again, what can I say... I don't think Rhonda repeated herself this much)... a diploma... a job... a different job... a necklace... flannel sheets (for so cheap)... fleece pants... fuzzy socks... gum... milk.... bugbites (don't be so literal - I mean those cracker things... they're really good)... a comforter that my aunt made... Madagascar Red tea... can I stop now?

27. What did you not want and not get?
Is this supposed to say "want and not get??" Because there are many things I didn't want and didn't get, such as a hole drilled through the head, being branded with hot irons, a house fire, mugged in a back alley .... things I wanted and didn't get - a new computer (mine sounds like a mixer or airplane getting ready for take off when you turn it on), a 2006, red, fully loaded, 5 speed Honda Civic for $5.00.

28. What was your favorite film this year?
Um, I didn't see a lot of the new releases, but I liked Firewall and Flight Plan.

29. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
I spent it in Madagascar with Matthew and Rhonda and their girls - if you have to have a birthday, that was a great way to do it.

30. What one thing would have made your year measurably more satisfying?
Graduating at the top of my class. Ha! Just threw that in to get a raise out of Jenni...

31. How would you describe your personal fashion in 2006?
Passable with a lot of outside assistance.

32. What kept you sane?
God, close friends and family, Prozac (just kidding), knowing the end of school was in sight and then finishing.

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Um... I don't have any words... fancy? really? I don't think I had too many celerity obsessions this year... maybe I'm forgetting something.

34. What political issue stirred you the most?
War and Peace and the like.

35. Who did you miss?
My family, although I got to see them quite a bit.

36. Who was the best new person you met?
Some really great new co-workers.

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006.
If you are going to turn up the car radio and sing loudly, keep a safe distance between you and the guy in front of you.

If you are going to bike 56 miles - train.

If you want to find something valuable that you've just lost, all you have to do is buy a replacement.

Oh, and here's a free tip - often credit card companies will drop those pesky late fees if you call and plead your case.

38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"I've been everywhere, man I've been everywhere, man Crossed the deserts bare, man I've breathed the mountain air, man Travel - I've had my share, man I've been everywhere." oh, and because I'm feeling old and nostalgic - "My, oh my Look how the time flies. Look how the world changes In the blink of an eye. My, oh my Look how the years have flown Turning around before you know it Up and gone. On that cheery note - it's been a pleasure chatting.

Oh and a couple more things - I know that the colors are hideous on the new blog - I'll try to fix it soon. I just decided to leave it for awhile to see if I can make you all crave hot dogs... or something.

Another thing - I locked my keys in my car TWICE this week!! What is my problem. I was getting a lot better at that, but seem to be regressing. As far as what's new around here, not a lot. Usually I get to feeling all blaa in January after the excitement of the holidays are over. But this time around I haven't minded so much. I sort of like things slowing down a bit. Work is going really well... last night a friend came over and we played the Settlers. It was fun, but not as fun for her I don't think because it takes awhile to catch on to the point that you can enjoy the game I think. But we had fun hanging out and pondering the deep meaning of life and existence. Maybe sometime I'll try to blog it all... This afternoon I finally watched "Walk the Line." Yes well, I found it very disturbing and depressing. I know it had a supposed happy ending, but it still didn't sit well with me. Okay, I'm going to go now so you can all get commenting. = )

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back again

So, thought I'd say HI and Happy New Year. I feel like 2006 flew and took forever at the same time. When I think back to January - that's seems like forever ago. I think from the summer on sort of flew for me. This is probably one of my most eventful years so far and I'm sure 2007 will seem boring compared to this one. I was thinking yesterday as I was flying home that counting both Christmases/New Years, I've flown 5 times this year - pretty sure that's a record for me. I'd like to count how many airports I've been in, but haven't got around to that yet. I also graduated from college, flew around the world to see my brother and family, traveled out west with another brother and family, worked a couple different jobs in the social work field... yeah, a lot has happened. Now things will settle into a routine for awhile I think. Just came back from the weekend get together in MN with family and it was nice to be able to make it to that. Yesterday was the eternal day of flying. Sadly, I could be in Swaziland right now I believe. As I flew out of Indianapolis and on to Cincinnati - how disheartening to be flying further yet from home, only to turn around and come back. Oh well, it really wasn't that bad. I got to see more airports. I wasn't impressed with the Indy airport- very poorly marked. They had some neat restaurants there and I really like Mexican food so I decided to try "La Salsas." Oh my - It seemed like such a good idea but it was stinkin HOT! And no warning! So I sat there sweating and crying and snotting all over the place trying to get it down (alright, it wasn't quite that bad, but close) and couldn't finish it. So there was a neighboring McDonalds and I thought maybe I could get some ice cream to thaw out my innards. So as I was standing in line, this is what I came across and found rather odd. Maybe it's just me, but seriously?? Apparently McDonalds has been having trouble with greedy customers demanding TOO MUCH sauce with their nuggets. Oh the trials and tribulations of life. So there was a sign posted with the following information (as close as I can remember):
Our New Sweet and Sour Policy -
6 Nuggets - 1 sauce
10 Nuggets - 2 sauces
20 Nuggets - 3 sauces
You will be allowed one bonus sauce. For any sauce requested AFTER your one bonus, there will be a 15 (FIFTEEN!) cent charge. If you order NO nuggets, there will be a 15 (FIFTEEN!) cent charge on ALL sauces! (that's right, you don't even get your one bonus. A few thoughts - 1) Oh my! 2) Seriously? 3) Paleeeeeze!! 4) I would have loved to hear the committee putting this together! 5) I don't get the whole bonus thing! Why didn't they just allow 2,3,and 4 to begin with and then say there's a 15 (FIFTEEN!) cent charge after that? and 6) how much money do you think this policy will bring McDonalds in a year? I'm just wondering... After my Indy airport experience, I eventually ended up at my destination. You know those numbers they place every so often in big parking lots? Well, I can now imagine that those can come in rather handy. I walked around for I don't know how long looking for my car in the dark while carrying my wheel-less luggage. And then made it home okay. So that's what's happening here. Happy 2007!