Thursday, November 30, 2006

I don't really have much to say...

... but I thought I'd wander on here and say something since I was hanging out on line and stuff. Well, what's new... today the temperature has been plummeting and it has rained all day. I was so dumb and didn't wear a coat to work, so I was in and out quite a bit and pretty much froze solid till I got home. I'm now burning my tongue on hot chocolate... which I'm sure you were dying to know. The new job is going well. So far it's all been training. My eyes are going buggy from all the reading. I'm doing some training on CD and reading files and a policy manual the size of Texas. Next week I'm going to the big city for training and I'm really looking forward to it. Rumor has it the motel I'm staying at has an indoor waterpark. And I'm looking forward to training in the form of people talking. Today I went along on some home visits and I'll be doing that tomorrow as well. And everyone there is super nice so that makes things pleasant. ummm... I'm feeling a lack of inspiration right now. I'm really looking forward to this weekend because for the first time in awhile, nothing is really planned or going on and I don't have a huge list of stuff to get done. Just a small one - then I can sit and watch the snow fall. And turn on the TV and listen to the Americans talk for endless hours about the dreaded snow storm of the century that will have us all locked in our houses for days on end so make sure you buy a month's supply of water, prunes, beans, and trail mix at Walmart QUICK!!! (oh, what's that, it's only 3 inches? oh shoot, well, stay tuned for next time we think it might snow for more nonsense and cheap entertainment)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A couple things...

Howdy - Let's see, here's my official post-American Thanksgiving post (huh?). I knew you'd all be waiting... (yeah right). So, I know it's lame to talk about the weather, but after what seemed like months of wandering about in a lack of seritonin induced stupor, the sun has once again been shining. It's been so nice here and on November 24 I went to the store in flip flops. I didn't really see anyone else in flip flops, but I wasn't cold either (and that says a lot). I'm sure in all my many years, I've never worn flip flops in November. If I would have stayed in Israel that long it could have happened, but nope, didn't do that. So that was exciting for me.

What else? I spent the weekend at the extended family get together on my mom's side of the family. It was a lot of fun - did the traditional auction and bingo game. I was able to finally get one of my aunts comforters - I've bid on them for the last several years, but never secured one because my cousins have always had more money... or something like that. = ) Well, I think that's about all the news for now. I thought I had more, but I'm blank at the moment. I trust that your turkey snoods were all you had hoped for and more and the tryptaphan didn't completely snow you under...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What? 2 days in a row??

Hi again - just wanted to pop by and say that I'm DONE!! Was only at work over 12 hours day - got home around 10. But it feels great to be done. I'm looking forward to the long weekend a lot! Saying good bye to all the kids I worked with was definitely the worst part. I'm going them a lot - even the really crazy ones! = P I don't have anything exciting or inspirational so maybe I'll just leave it at that...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Pin yer hair back ladies...

Yer getting an update and it's not even Sunday. Well, I just wanted to wander on here and gripe a bit. I feel so blest to be making this transition to a new job, but I'm really struggling this week. Only one more day to go, but I've been working about 10 - 11 hour days trying to get everything done and it's stressful and I'm wasted (in the tiredness sense) and have a splitting headache and get to do it all over again tomorrow. So if you think about it and feel like it you can send up a little prayer on my behalf. Once tomorrow is over (there's a good chance I'll be at work till midnight), things will be looking much better. Then I'll have 4 days off and a new job on Monday. So I'm trying to focus on that. Right now, this feels a lot like school - like it feels like I have a 20 page research paper due tomorrow. Okay, I'm done griping - wasn't that inspirational and uplifting? I feel like I should end with a pithy quote or something - let's see.... oh yes... "You can't wrap hope, You can't wrap peace... You can't wrap Embarq high speed internet for only 24.95 per month as long as you have the service.... You can't wrap joy...." Okay, that is so much better when it's sung over the radio waves. Why do Golden Grahams get soggy so fast? That is their only flaw! Well, that and all the sugar. I ate all 3 meals in my car today... except for the Golden Grahams I'm eating now. Okay, now I'm really going. poor you for having to read this.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The world looks a bit brighter....

So, first off, and I know this is nothing to 99.9% of North America, but I got a cell phone yesterday! Now if I could just learn to like coffee, I could actually be socially acceptable maybe. I'm just totally blown away by technology these days! I mean, all I really need is a phone, but of course, this thing has a camera, web access, voice whatever you call it where you can just say a name and it'll call the person for you, games, video, a mini toaster/eyelash curler... I'm completely flabbergasted! I feel so American (a feeling I usually try to avoid... = P Please, Don't shoot!) So that's been exciting.

On to other news... I'm changing jobs. This Wednesday will by my last day at the residential place. The next Monday will be my first day at my new job. I was hired for a position right in town so it will be much less driving. It will be working with families, mostly moms and younger kids. I'm looking forward to the switch but I'll miss the kids I work with now a lot as well.

What else... some wisdom from John Tesh? I heard this morning that if you're trying to decide whether or not you can justify eating the pumpkin pie this Thursday (for the Americans), get this - I can't remember all the stats, but in I believe a half cup of pumpkin, there are all sorts of good vitamins that aid dry skin, and reduce bloating, among other things. So really, you should eat till you're completely stuffed, then eat 5 pieces of pie to reduce that heavy feeling and also give your skin that touchably soft feel.

Well, I think that's all from this neck of the woods.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

There's nothing worse than an angry female...

So I guess I'll say something since the masses (Jenni and Rhonda) are clamoring for an update. I sincerely apologize for my lack of initiative and resulting slothfulness in updating, and I am working on the 10 effective steps for removing this from my life. Oh, life feels better now that I have a clear conscience. So, what to tell you all... Well, my car is back and fixed up all nicely. I had the sweetest little deal for a rental car - a 2006 PT Cruiser. I was hoping it would take several months to fix my car, but I had the Cruiser from Monday til Friday morning. It was a fun little ride! When I got back in my own car, I felt like I was sitting on the pavement, it was so low. But there's something sort of comforting about your very own vehicle ya know - like putting on your favorite shirt or something.

Stay tuned and I'll update you shortly about some changes taking place in my employment. Oh, here's something I got sort of a kick out of - a sign that a kid put on his door that read, and I quote, "Quite time Don't disterb ME unless it benefits ME. If you break this there will be severe consicunes." I guess we've all had those days... .

I was listening to the John Tesh radio show this morning (Intelligence for your life... or something like that). Since I'm not in school anymore, I need something to keep the mind sharp. So this morning he gave the results of a crying study - the results were that women cry on average, 64 times per year and guys cry on average 17 times a year. But things start to even out as they age because men loose testosterone, making them cry more, and women loose estrogen, making them cry less. So in old people, the difference shouldn't be as marked. I thought these numbers were really high, but I was curious what you people out there think. I know I don't cry even close to 64 times a year, 17 would be much closer. What about you? Do ya fit the stats? It'll be interesting if anyone will be honest and tell me how often they (or their guys) really cry. = )

Okay, well after my little abscess, I mean absence, I'll try to be a bit more faithful in updating this thing. I hope you all are having a great weekend and aren't too depressed about the thought of working tomorrow, if in fact you are... Remember... I'm pullin for ya, and keep your stick on the ice.